A beautiful family house built in a typical Dalmatian style, fully equipped for rent. It is only a five-minute walk from the center of Biograd and the hustle and bustle of the city, yet hidden in the quiet surroundings of the city. The pebble beach is only 200 meters away from this oasis of peace. The house is ideal for a larger family or group of friends (up to eight) who would like a quiet and pleasant stay and vacation on the coast. However, we can accommodate a smaller number of guests by arrangement. This two-story house has 4 bedrooms with double beds and a living room equipped with a sofa bed for two people. Each bedroom in the house has an exit to a balcony with a sea view. The house is air-conditioned, there is an air conditioner on each floor. The upper floor has an exit to a spacious terrace with a set of furniture for a larger number of people and a beautiful sea view. Also, each floor has its own bathroom. On the ground floor there is a fully equipped kitchen, where you will find everything you need to prepare meals: stove with oven, refrigerator, electric kettle, coffee maker, microwave oven, and of course kitchen utensils. Additionally, the house is equipped with a dishwasher, washing machine and iron. There is a TV in the living room. The house has a beautiful green garden of 350 square meters. Our guests are provided with two parking spaces, towels and bed linen.
We accept pets on request. Accommodation for a pet is 5 euros per night. Our accommodation charges a fee of 200 € as a security deposit. This is returned upon departure if no intentional damage has been caused during your stay in the apartment.
If guests do not show up at the time of their reservation, the holder of the reservation will be charged for 50% from the total amount of the reservation.
Ocjene i recenzije važan su element prilikom odabira smještaja. Kako bismo osigurali da objavljene recenzije budu korisne kada odabireš smještaj za svoje putovanje, u Njuškalu brinemo da one uistinu dolaze od gostiju koji su boravili u tom smještaju.
Recenzije smještaja na Njuškalu gosti mogu ostaviti isključivo nekoliko dana nakon što naprave check-out. Gost će zaprimiti poruku s jedinstvenom poveznicom koja ga vodi na stranicu za unos ocjene i recenzije čime osiguravamo da povratnu informaciju ostavljaju samo stvarni gosti smještaja. Gosti koji otkažu rezervaciju neće dobiti ovakvu poruku.
Kako bi ocjene i recenzije bile u potpunosti relevantne za tebe i pomogle ti u donošenju najbolje odluke za tvoje sljedeće putovanje, objavljujemo sve recenzije, bile one pozitivne ili negativne. Sadržaj recenzija koje gosti ostavljaju mora biti vezan uz smještaj i putovanje, a jezik sadržaja mora biti primjeren svrsi. Recenzije s neprikladnim sadržajem poput promotivnih linkova ili pak govora mržnje i korištenja neprimjerenog jezika ćemo ukloniti.
Njuškalo ne objavljuje sadržaj u ime gostiju ili iznajmljivača. Ocjene i sadržaj recenzija na Njuškalu u potpunosti su u rukama stvarnih gostiju, korisnika smještaja, te ni na koji način nisu sponzorirane. Sadržaj objavljenih recenzija napisali su sami gosti koji su boravili u smještaju te se Njuškalo odriče odgovornosti za njihov sadržaj.