
Information in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 24 of EU Regulation 2022/2065 (Digital Services Act):

The number of average monthly active recipients of services in the European Union, calculated as an average over the last six months, is  67.699.

The information is checked and updated every 6 months.

According to article 21 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (Digital services act) recepients of the service, including individuals that have submitted notices, shall be entitled to select any out-of-court dispute settlement body in order to resolve disputes relating to decisions from the internal complaint-handling system. Because the aforementioned settlement body has not yet been appointed by our member state, we are currently not available to inform you about the appointed out-of-court dispute settlement body. 

Information on points of contact pursuant to Art. 11 and Art. 12 Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (Digital Services Act, "DSA")

Art 11 DSA: Point of contact for Member State authorities, the Commission and the European Digital Services Board
The following email adress is designated as the single point of contact for Member States‘ authorities, the Commission and the European Digital Services Board for matters relating to the Digital Services Act:
Communication with the referenced single point of contact is possible in Croatiam and English. When contacting us, please state the name of the authority or body on whose behalf you are contacting us, as well as an electronic contact address in the event of questions, unless these pieces of information are already encompassed in your email signature.

Art. 12 DSA: Point of contact for recipients of the service
The following email adress is designated as the single point of contact for all user concerns:

Information on the contact point pursuant to Art 15 of Regulation (EU) 2021/784 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online:
The contact point for the receipt of removal orders by electronic means is Communication with the referenced contact point is possible in Croatian/Slovenian and English.